University of Texas at El Paso
College of Education
Department of Teacher Education

TED 5318
"Current Topics in Mathematics Education"
(Fall 2000 - Individual Study Course)

Instructor: Dr. Mourat A. Tchoshanov
Office: EDUC603
Phone: (915) 747-7668
Fax: (915) 747-7441
Office hours:

Required Text

Course Objectives

  1. To understand the basic differences between traditional and constructivist classrooms in teaching and learning of school mathematics

  2. To study main guiding principles of constructivism and their role in the development of students’ conceptual understanding

  3. To observe and study the practice of constructivist math teachers

  4. To realize advantages and disadvantages of constructivist way of teaching and learning mathematics.

Course Requirements

  1. In the Fall-2000 semester this course is an individual study course. Nevertheless students are welcome to meet with me in the MTED 3330 class (W 5:00 - 7:50 pm) and during my office hours (M&Th 2:00 - 3:00 pm).

  2. Professional Profile of Constructivist Math Teacher will include:

    • General information about the Teacher (name, degree, experience, school, grade level, etc.)

    • Year long teaching plan for particular grade level

    • Fragments of teacher’s lesson plans

    • Protocol of the interview with the Teacher on his/her beliefs with respect to constructivist philosophy of teaching and learning mathematics

    • Protocols of interview with students (4-5) attending math classes of the Teacher: focus on students’ perception of constructivist style of the Teacher, their understanding of math, students’ attitude towards math, etc.

    • Protocols of interview with colleagues (2-3) of the Teacher: their attitude towards constructivism, their beliefs and teaching styles, professional relationship with the Teacher, etc.

    • Video-fragments of the Teacher’s lessons

    • Evidence of his/her students’ mathematics achievement

  3. Journal of observation of teacher’s lessons and your reflections on observed classes

  4. Reflection-paper (8-10 pages) on your study of practice of constructivist mathematics teacher. This paper might also include reflections on readings, class discussions and conducted micro-lessons and presentations.

Grade Distribution

Professional Profile 50%
Journal 20%
Reflection-Paper 30%

Grading Scale:
90 - 100 = A (Excellent - 4.0) 80 - 89 = B (Good - 3.0)
70 - 79 = C (Average - 2.0) 60 - 69 = D (Passing - 1.0)
0 - 59 = F (Failure - 0.0)


Final Portfolio

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